All You Need To Know About Dental Sharps and Their Disposal

Sharps are a major component of dentistry. There are different kinds of dentistry sharps for different procedures. These make the process easier and with the advancement in technology, various processes are done using sharps.  You are aware of the importance of dental sharps but do you how important is the disposal of sharps? Dental sharps disposal is necessary as they are highly dangerous and can seriously injure anyone. According to OSHA, the report says that sharps are hazardous and harmful to our environment.

Here is the important information that you should be aware of for disposing of the dental sharps.

Develop A Plan: Managing the sharps is an important part of dental practice. A sharp can be any object that can pierce the skin, including needles, orthodontic wires, and scalpel blades. Various problems could be because of sharps, such as infections, bleeding if pricked, and many more. All practices that are using sharps are liable for their proper containment and final disposal. They are responsible if anyone is injured or infected due to the sharps used by them. There must be a proper plan to be executed for disposal.

Security: If any person comes in contact with sharps. They are more likely to develop serious infections. Some of these infections can be life-risking. There are some serious outcomes of these sharps that are serious, such as internal bleeding and HIV. Make sure your staff or the patients are safe from it, they are not exposed to sharps. The sharps should be disposed of into specific containers that are placed away from the reach them.

Law: While practicing dentistry, you should be aware of the rules and regulations. According to the law, the disposal responsibility is on you. If anything goes wrong, you will be the person to get the legal notice. So the disposal responsibility goes to you. 

Disposal Option: These days, there are lots of options available for waste disposal, however, it is important to choose the right one. Make sure it includes minimal risk and highly efficient. There are two disposal methods, off-site and on-site. Offsite methods include the transport of waste to another site while onsite method includes the disposal at the same site. Dental sharps disposal is easy by using the onsite method and there is no risk involved.

Summing Up

While practicing dentistry, you are well aware of the use of sharps. You know, how much you need them. Sharps are pricky objects that can puncture skin if not used properly and also, they come in human fluid contact, so they are highly contagious. There are various disadvantages of sharps but there is no alternative and they are widely in use in the pharmaceutical sectors. However, it is necessary to know about dental sharps disposal. Out of the two categories, the onsite method is the best-proven method, as it is a one-time investment with no risk involved. Also, it converts the waste into ash form that is ready to dump into the dustbin. While selecting the method of disposal, make sure it fulfills your disposing needs.


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